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Sustainability in action

Steel’s sustainability has been demonstrated on a recent collaboration between Caunton Engineering and Honda Manufacturing. At Honda’s main UK site in …

June 2006 – No need for Eurocode haste

There is a lot of myth and misinformation doing the rounds about the introduction of Eurocodes, but one thing that should be clear is that there is no need to …

Sustainable steel construction: the facts

Sustainability and steel construction go together more intimately than many might realise. Martin Cooper outlines the sustainability case for steel in the age …

Car Park of the Year

The steel framed St Andrew’s Car Park in Norwich has won the ‘Best New Car Park’ award at the annual Parking Review Awards held at London’s Dorchester …

Contractors choose competitive steel

Steel construction is enjoying robust health with output up 7% this year, and is looking forward to a future brightened by the prospect of a demand for …

January 2006 – Clients line up in praise of sustainable steel

To judge by the comments we see in the press, few sectors of the construction industry would be able to field many clients happy to tell the story of hoiw they …

Sustainable and flexible steel lifts Olympic gold

London’s successful bid to host the 2012 Olympic Games was anchored in a promise that many of the new sport venues would be flexibly designed to allow …

Government ‘will use Olympics to push sustainability’

The Government will use the 2012 Olympics as a way of pushing the construction industry to adopt sustainable practices, a prominent UK structural engineer told …

Charter brings sustainability to the fore

With clients increasingly looking to employ contractors that  adopt sustainable practices, the newly launched charter for the steel construction industry is …

British Land chief to be Keynote Speaker at the Steel Construction Conference

Richard Elliot, Head of Construction for British Land, will be keynote speaker on the client’s view of sustainable steel construction and will take part in …


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