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Competitive gap crushes concrete

Steel frames remain the fastest and most cost effective framing solution for both commercial offices and residential apartments according to the latest Cost …

January 2007 – Ground well paved for further advance

The turn of the year is a good time to take stock of progress made and lessons learned for the future. The year just passed was a good one for the …

Contractors sign up to sustainability charter

Sustainability is rapidly moving up the agenda as a procurement issue and increasingly construction clients are looking for companies which operate in a …

Competitive gap still favours steel

Structural steel remains the most cost effective option for building frames and floors in the latest update of a building cost comparison study carried out by …

November/December 2006 – Steel frames’ cost bears no comparison

Away from the headlines about steel industry takeovers and mergers and worldwide rising prices for energy, the UK’s structural steelwork success story …

Sustainability award gets SCI sponsorship

The SCI will sponsor the David Alsop Sustainability category at this year’s Institute of Structural Engineers’ Awards (IStructE). The IStructE annual …

Sustainability matters

A new distribution warehouse near Heathrow Airport has fully demonstrated the sustainability of steel. Sustainability is increasingly important in all aspects …

October 2006 – Advance spells sustainable quality assured product

A new name for structural steel sections entered the UK market in September, when Corus renamed its entire UK market range as Advance (see News). New section …

A charter for sustainability

Eight steelwork contractors have so far been successfully audited under the Steel Construction Sustainability Charter with a number of other companies …

September 2006 – Sustainability charts the way forward

Congratulations to the eight steelwork contractors who have become the first to be successfully audited under the BCSA’s Steel Construction Sustainability …


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