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Admiral’s Quay salutes steel

Demand for high-quality waterfront apartments shows no sign of easing, and many developers are selecting steel. David Fowler reports how the use of steel is …

Impressive cinematic debut

A new system for speeding the often critical process of constructing stair and lift cores won wide acclaim on its first outing, in a multiplex cinema  in …

Lighthouse shows the way

Steel has replaced concrete for the main frame of a prestige residential block on Cardiff’s waterfront, cutting construction time and cost. David Fowler …

Room at the top

        A 1960s south London block of flats is being extended by the unusual method of building six additional storeys in steel on top of …

40 Years Ago: Miscellaneous

Taken from Building with Steel, 1965 The VC10 Hangar at London (Gatwick) Airport When British United Airways purchased Vickers VC 10 jets the dimensions of …

Tackling the residential market

The use of steel in multi-storey residential projects is increasing. It offers economic and fast solutions. There are strong positive trends in the UK market …

SSDA Merit: Beaufort Court, Lillie Road, London

From the outset this project aimed to follow best practice in sustainable development, introduce innovative construction and a high level of prefabrication. …

Rising to the residential challenge

How steel technologies are meeting new demand for homes in multi-storey residential buildings Steel construction has achieved a high market share in many …


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