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President’s Column – October 2022

At the time of writing this column it is the 29th of September 2022, sterling is practically on parity with the dollar. The first time I was lucky enough to …

President’s Column; September 2022

At a recent BCSA meeting some members thought I was a little bit grumpy. Thinking about that after the meeting, with inflation running at 10% or more, energy …

President’s Column: March 2022

The state of the world is such now, that the BBC now feels it has to explain what NATO is to its audience. It’s difficult to comprehend how anybody under 40 …

President’s Column: February 2022

The legacy of Covid is still causing problems, there is still a significant amount of money that has been artificially put into the system by most western …

President’s Column: Nov/Dec 2021

In October, British Steel announced their ‘Low-Carbon Roadmap’ demonstrating its commitment to long-term sustainable steelmaking and the delivery of …

President’s Column: September 2021

Compared to the last six months, the atmosphere in the industry today does seem a lot more stable. The majority of steelwork contractors seem to be much busier …

President’s Column: July/August 2021

On the 24th June, the BCSA held its AGM in London, I was voted in to serve another year. At times like this it is only natural to reflect on the last year in …

President’s Column: May 2021

I didn’t think anything would topple sustainability and steel section prices off the most talked about issues in the steel construction industry. Well cold …

President’s Column: April 2021

I’ve been informed by my social media that I’ve been in this industry for 25 years. During that time, a lot of technological advances have been brought …

President’s Column: March 2021

Brexit and COVID-19 combined were always going to make life very difficult in a heavily saturated market. Although market conditions are still challenging, …


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