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No post-Brexit workforce concerns for steel

News that two steel construction related sites have been longlisted as potential assembly centres, or logistics hubs, for the construction of Heathrow …

New chapters in steel’s success story

Recent surveys show that the construction market has paused for breath after a strong run lasting several years (see News). Brexit and the business cycle …

Steel supply chain sets a lead to follow

Construction seems to have been on the edge of one of its periodic crises of confidence this summer, perhaps not entirely without good reason. Pundits point to …

Challenges rising on President’s watch

Meeting the challenges of continuous change and uncertainty is the day-to-day business of senior management, but new BCSA President Tim Outteridge is becoming …

President makes ‘manifesto’ call for improved working relationships

Steel construction enjoyed another successful year in 2016 and is looking ahead confidently to the challenges of the post Brexit world, out-going BCSA …

Steel tops market share survey

The latest survey of the UK market for structural frames (see News) confirms that steel solutions have the confidence of the overwhelming majority of clients, …


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