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Orbit event stresses economic and innovative steel design


Global steel producer ArcelorMittal and the Steel Construction Institute concluded an afternoon seminar at London’s iconic Orbit sculpture by stressing the importance of the UK steel sector and encouraging innovative design.

The keynote message of the seminar was the drive to use less material in the future, which will inevitably see greater use of S460 steel in everyday structures.

Through a series of presentations at the ArcelorMittal Orbit, Europe’s largest sculpture and award winning events venue, delegates heard why S460 was chosen for one of London’s newest iconic buildings, 22 Bishopsgate in central London, and how to specify, design and fabricate using S460 and HISTAR steel.

“The UK is of strategic importance to us as it is the second largest market in Europe for steel sections,” said CEO ArcelorMittal Europe – Long Products Augustine Kochuparampil.

“We are actively supporting steel construction in the UK with our range of steel products, many of which are unique.”

Also at the event David Brown Associate Director of the Steel Construction Institute officially launched the new ArcelorMittal Orange Book, which includes resistances tables for S355, S460 and HISTAR sections.

“Just like the Blue Book, this is an essential reference and design aid for engineers and fabricators all presented in familiar and easy to use tables,” he said.

The publication is now available at:

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