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Latest Tekla plugin launched for steel designers

bimreview_logo-151022StruM.I.S has announced the release of the new Tekla Version 21.1 Plugin for BIMReview and StruM.I.S.

The release is said to allow Tekla users a unique link with StruM.I.S and BIMReview from within the Tekla 21.1 environment.

Having installed the functionality, users of Tekla 21.1 will be able to:

  • Export models to the .bswx format for use in BIMReview directly from within the Tekla environment.
  • Import custom attribute data into their Tekla models which has been added inside BIMReview.
  • Link Tekla models directly to StruM.I.S contracts.
  • Enquire upon StruM.I.S status information (e.g. production stages of parts and assemblies) directly from within the Tekla environment.
  • Create custom enquiries of StruM.I.S data from within the Tekla environment.
  • Colour code model geometry according to StruM.I.S data status’.

New features which are included with the 21.1 release include:

  • Profile naming functionality, allowing Tekla users to take greater control of their profile naming conventions. This allows for a more seamless transition from Tekla model, to StruM.I.S contract information.
  • Include attribute data from Tekla .inp reports with exported BSWX files.
  • Include attribute data from Tekla .xsr reports with exported BSWX files.
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