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Galvanizing aids pier restoration

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Hastings160407More than 15t of galvanized steel plates have been used in the structural redevelopment of Hastings Pier.

BE Wedge [part of the Wedge Group] has played its part in the major redevelopment of the fire-damaged pier in East Sussex by providing its galvanizing expertise to the project team.

As the plates are situated in a marine environment, it was vital that they were galvanized and given the best lifespan possible, something which paint or powder-coating could not provide.

The sheer size and scale of the development has gained interest from contractors nationwide, with many companies offering different services and products.

BE Wedge specialises in centrifuge galvanizing of smaller parts, including threaded bolts and fasteners of up to 2m long, as well as continuous lengths of marine chain.

Wessex Galvanizers, a sister plant of BE Wedge, has also played a separate part in the regeneration of the pier by galvanizing some larger structural elements.

BE Wedge Sales Manager Lee Dickens said: “It’s a real honour to have been involved in the huge redevelopment to bring such a prominent tourist attraction back to life.”

The Victorian pier opened for the first time in 1872 and was originally 910ft long, but was closed in 2006 after it was deemed unsafe to the public. The blaze saw Hastings Pier Charity, a Community Benefit Society, gain support from its members and local shareholders to help restore the pier, as well as significant investment from the Heritage Lottery Fund among others.

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