NSC Archives

Advisory Desk

AD 256: Design Considerations for the Vibration of Floors – Part 3

AD 254 Design Considerations for the Vibration of Floors – Part 2 gave a general over-view on the prediction of the acceleration and fundamental …

AD 255: Design of Asymmetric Cellular Beams: Application limits of SCI Publication P-100

Cellular beams have become the vogue for many long span applications both in the UK, and increasingly in France. Often cellular beams are designed in buildings …

AD 254: Design Considerations for the Vibration of Floors – Part 2

AD 253 Design considerations for the vibration of floors warned that where vibrations disturb the occupants of a building it is usually excessive accelerations …

AD 253: Correction

This equation, which appeared on page 37 of NSC November/December 2001 was incorrect. The correct version is printed below. In order to retain the accurate …

AD 253: Design Considerations for the Vibration of Floors

Designers are more frequently facing the need to consider, in detail, the vibration response of floors. This Advisory Desk article is the first of a collection …

AD 252: Axially Loaded Columns – Base Plate Design Effective Area Method BS 5950-1:2000

The empirical method for determining the size of base plates in BS 5950-1: 1990 has been replaced by the effective area method in BS 5950-1: 2000. Doubt has …

AD 251: Equivalent Uniform Moment Factor, m (italic)

BS 5950-1: 2000 sees the demise of the n factor method when calculating buckling resistance Mb. In Section 4, the m factor method is the only approach …

AD 250: Choice of Steel Sub-Grade

During a recent seminar on the Amendments to BS 5950-1, a straw poll of the (large) audience indicated that only 5% of the structural engineers present …


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