NSC Archives


SSDA shortlist shows strength of constructional steelwork

Another outstanding group of steel construction projects has been selected for the 2023 Structural Steel Design Awards shortlist, as you can read in News. The …

The smart choice for innovation is steel

As outgoing BCSA President Mark Denham notes in his President’s column this month, we have lived in interesting times for the past few years with challenges …

Steel scores excellently across the sectors

There must be very few investments made these days where sustainability isn’t a central feature of the project’s plans. It is hard to imagine a project …

Steel stacks up

The BCSA’s Register of Qualified Steelwork Contractors (Buildings) scheme has been thrown open to non-BCSA members for the first time, which will allow the …

New publication provides sustainability guidance for procurement professionals

Procurement and sustainability will increasingly go hand in hand as the already high focus on climate change intensifies, with parties all along the supply …

Sustainability will boost future market shares

There is good news for steel construction in the latest Market Shares survey results, which shows steel with a commanding lead in key sectors like multi-storey …

Steel’s sustainability and flexibility will score with clients

At this time last year, looking ahead to 2022, we said that there was a lot of evidence suggesting that the outlook for the economy was positive for the next …

Steel carbon reduction commitment strengthens

Fears have been raised that the UK’s commitment to tackling the climate emergency may be waning in the face of the multitude of immediately pressing issues …

Steel sustainability grows as judges praise value of visits

Among the disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic was a halt to the long-established practice of Structural Steel Design Awards being judged on the basis …

Steel stays committed to achieving net-zero carbon

The UK has been a leader internationally in committing itself to carbon reduction targets and was hailed in 2019 for introducing a legally binding target of …


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